Baby girl is here! Her name is Scarlett Jensen. We love her so much already. She was born Friday October 23rd at 4:26pm, 8lbs 1oz, 20.5 inches long. She came 4 days late, but was so worth the wait! Delivery went smooth and I couldn't have asked for a better support team from Derek and our families. Scarlett and my older sister Lauren share a birthday.
The first week has been tough but magical. We are slowly adjusting to our new life as parents and couldn't be happier. So far Scarlett LIKES: snuggling, people singing to her, and eating. DISLIKES: getting dressed, and diaper changes. She also sure sneezes and hiccups a lot. We think it is pretty cute. Nelly sure likes her too. She likes to stare at her and occasionally sniff her while she is in her mamaroo, or as we like to call it, the spaceship. Scarlett is sleeping on my chest in her baby wrap, as I write this. Life is so good!
This post is magical. Theres nothing like a new born is there? Is that the solly swaddle? I used our wrap constantly and if I'd known we were due a girl would have loved the peach-y polka dot! WE have the strip instead. Its a god send with a newborn!