
once had a grip, feels better to let go.

i'm sure going to miss the snowy leaves when the sun comes to stay. time has been cruising by lately. the semester is almost over. the marathon is fastly approching and winter snow (snowboarding) days are coming to an end. i am sad for that last one especially. in 3 short weeks, i'll be finished with radiology! i still feel a little overwhlemed with all of the nooks and crannies of the every tiny and odd shaped bone i need to finish memorizing. its a good thing a love learning.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so happy you stopped by my blog- because it lead me to your cute blog! for starters... you guys make a lovely couple! wow! i am so jealous your semester is almost over... I still have almost two months. boo! And I can only imagine all the little things you have to memorize for radiology... good luck! xo happy weekend!
